Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Call your politician campaign

We encourage individuals t tell their needs to office bearers of political parties in their locality by calling them on their office/mobile phone.
Tell them what you think of recent political decisions or what should be the policy that govt should take.
You can say things like, "If you want my vote, don't put a criminal as candidate"
You can say "budget deficit should be a issue"
or say anything that you like.
or you can say any of thee following:
There are other issues , I want Jagore TV/Print campaigns to take up
2) No student politics in Universities
3) Increase working hours for judiciary and limit holidays to same as central govt. employees.
4) Each Agriculture University should be allowed to operate a FM radio channel.
5) Supplements of News papers, should be separately billed and should not be allowed free. All supplements print bakwaas.
6) No Tax waiver for IPL company and players, as they are not playing for the country.
7) Website for govt departments should show expenditure, I want to know how they use the tax payers money.

If you can add more, please write them in comments.